With the free CityGuide app you have your city quasi digital in your pocket.No matter what city, with the CityGuide app it is your city. Just a few clicks and you get a comprehensive overviewShopping, lifestyle, health, gastronomy and nightlife - whether in the smartphone high or wide format.
The function for finding your parked vehicle is also great.
Your CityGuide app informs you about:
- Lawyer - Pharmacy - Doctor- railway station - bank - bar- Bus stations - Shopping center - Fire brigade- Airport - Cash machine - Hotel- Caffee cinema - hospital- Children's playground - Parking garage - Police station- post office - petrol station- Taxistand - University - Zoo
And much, much more ...
What do you want to do or where do you want to go? Do you need help?A click and you have all the information about your desired category (category) on your display,
Such as all nearby restaurants, universities, hospitals or cinemas.
At the same time, you get information about distance and opening times, and the CityGuide app also provides with a
Navigation tool to help you quickly reach the desired destination.
The CityGuide app is for every woman and everyone and helps you with a childlike user interface to lightning fast
With your CityGuide app you are at home everywhere!
Any questions or comments about the CityGuide App?Then send us your feedback and use the following contact data:
Support, Imprint, Contact:
to SaeedE-mail address:
[email protected]